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73 article(s) trouvé(s)
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Variation in student beliefs about visual impairment and blindness during the course of a four-year optometry program. Journal of Vision Rehabilitation, 9, 5-9. Moryoussef, G., Gresset, J., Bolduc, M., Faubert, J. 1995 Perception visuelle
A modal of global symmetry detection in dense images. Spatial Vision, 9, 33-55. Labonté, F., Shapira, Y., Cohen, P., Faubert, J. 1995 lien pdf Perception visuelle
Colour induced stereopsis in images with achromatic information and only one other colour. Vision Research , 35, 3161-3167. Faubert, J. 1995 Perception visuelle
Some optical, sensory, and perceptual factors to consider when viewing 3D displays. Proceedings of the Third International Display Worshops: 3D Display Technologies and Human Factors. Kobe, Japan, November 27-29, vol. 2, pp. 481-484. Faubert, J. 1996 Perception visuelle
No blindsight following hemidecortication in human subjects? NeuroReport, 12, 1990-1994. Stoerig, P, Faubert, J. Ptito, M., Diaconu, V. Ptito, A. 1996 lien pdf lien pdf Perception visuelle
Distinguishing subcortical and cortical influences in visual attention: Subcortical attentional processing. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 38, 364-371. Zackon, D., Casson, E., Stelmach, L, Faubert, J., Racette, L. 1997 lien pdf Perception visuelle
Isoluminance and chromatic motion throughout the visual field. Vision Research, 37, 2073-2081. Bilodeau, L., Faubert, J. 1997 lien pdf Perception visuelle
Curvature detection at different orientations in the upper and lower visual hemifields In Vision Science and its Applications, Vol. 1, OSA Technical Digest Series (Optical Society of America, Washington, D.C., 1998), pp. 136-139. Faubert, J., Pinard, M., Simonet, P., Gresset, J. 1998 Perception visuelle
Visual processing throughout the visual field. Proceedings of the International Simposium on Computer Graphics, Image Processing and Vision. IEEE Computer Society Press. October 20-23, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, pp. 2-9. Faubert, J. 1998 Perception visuelle
Curvature detection for static, drifting, and warping stimuli. In Vision Science and its Applications, OSA Technical Digest Series (Optical Society of America, Washington, D.C., 1999), pp. 165-168. Faubert, J., Pinard, M., Simonet, P., Gresset, J. 1999 Perception visuelle
Spatio-temporal spectral coding of stereo image sequences. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 9, 144-155. Labonte, F., Le Dinh, C.T., Faubert, J., Cohen, P. 1999 lien pdf Perception du mouvement
Perception visuelle
Activation of human extrageniculostriate pathways after damage to area V1. NeuroImage. 9, 97-107. Ptito, M., Johanssen, P., Faubert, J. Gjedde, A. 1999 lien pdf Perception du mouvement
Perception visuelle
Flicker and the efficiency of cues for capturing attention. Vision Research, 39, 3241-3252. von Grunau, M.W., Faubert, J., Iordanova, M., Rajska, D. 1999 lien pdf lien pdf Perception visuelle
Activation of the remaining hemisphere following stimulation of the blind hemifield in hemispherectomized subjects. NeuroImage. 10, 339-346. Bittar, R., Ptito, M., Faubert, J., Dumoulin, S.O., Ptito, A. 1999 lien pdf Perception visuelle
Detecting and discriminating curved Gabors for static, drifting, and warping stimuli. In Vision Science and its Applications, OSA Technical Digest Series (Optical Society of America, Washington, D.C., 2000), pp. 35-38. Faubert, J., Pinard, M., Simonet, P., Gresset, J. 2000 Perception visuelle