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53 article(s) trouvé(s)
Titre Périodique Auteurs Date PDF URL Catégorie(s)
Pedestrian modeling using the least action principle with sequences obtained from thermal cameras in a real life scenario International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications. Mejia-Romero, Sergio ; Lugo, Eduardo ; Doti, Rafael; Faubert, Jocelyn 2017 lien pdf Motion Perception
Perception du mouvement
Assessing crowd dynamics with thermal imaging Photonics North, Proceeding of IEEE Mejia-Romero, Sergio; Lugo, Eduardo; Doti, Rafael; Faubert, Jocelyn 2016 lien pdf Perception du mouvement
The role of feature tracking in the furrow illusion Frontiers in human neuroscience Allard, Rémy; Faubert, Jocleyn 2016 lien pdf Perception du mouvement
Perception visuelle
Motion processing: The most sensitive detectors differ in temporally localized and extended noise Frontiers in psychology Allard, R., Faubert, J. 2014 lien pdf lien pdf Perception du mouvement
An expansive, cone-specific nonlinearity enabling the luminance motion system to process color-defined motion Journal of vision Allard, R., Faubert, J. 2014 lien pdf lien pdf Perception du mouvement
No second-order motion system sensitive to high temporal frequencies Journal of Vision, 13(5):4, 1-14, doi: 10.1167/13.5.4 Allard, R., Faubert, J. 2013 lien pdf lien pdf Perception du mouvement
Healthy older observers show equivalent perceptual-cognitive training benefits to young adults for multiple object tracking Front. Psychol., 06 June 2013 | doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00323 Legault, I., Allard, R., Faubert, J. 2013 lien pdf lien pdf Apprentissage perceptivo-cognitif
Perception du mouvement
Personnes âgées
Feature tracking and aging Frontiers in Psychology, 4:427. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00427 Allard R., Lagace-Nadon S. & Faubert J. 2013 lien pdf lien pdf Perception du mouvement
Personnes âgées
Zero-dimensional noise is not suitable for characterizing processing properties of detection mechanisms Journal of Vision, 13(10): 25; doi:10.1167/13.10.25 Allard R. & Faubert J. 2013 lien pdf lien pdf Perception du mouvement
No dedicated second-order motion system Journal of Vision, 13(11):2, 1-9, doi: 10.1167/13.11.2. Allard R. & Faubert J. 2013 lien pdf lien pdf Perception du mouvement
On the physical fundamentals of human perception and muscle dynamics: from the fulcrum principle of phonons 11th International Conference on Vibration Problems Lugo, J.E., Doti, R., Faubert, J. 2013 lien pdf Perception du mouvement
Healthy older observers cannot use biological motion point light information efficiently within 4 meters of themselves. iPerception, 3 (2), 104-111 Legault, I., Troje, N.F. & Faubert, J. 2012 lien pdf lien pdf Perception du mouvement
Personnes âgées
Perceptual-cognitive training improves biological motion perception: evidence for transferability of training in healthy aging. Neuroreport, Vol 23 (8), 469-473 Legault, I., Faubert, J. 2012 lien pdf lien pdf Perception du mouvement
Personnes âgées
Psychophysics in human perception : three examples Mathematical Modeling of Biological Systems: From Molecules to Populations, Miguel Ángel Morales Vázquez, Salvador Botello Rionda Lugo, Eduardo; Doti, Rafael; faubert, Jocleyn 2012 Perception du mouvement
Perception visuelle
Stroke affects locomotor steering responses to changing optic flow directions. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 24(5), 457-68. Lamontagne, A., Fung, J., McFadyen, Faubert, J., Paquette, C. 2010 lien pdf lien pdf Perception du mouvement