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53 article(s) trouvé(s)
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Motion parallax, stereoscopy, and the perception of depth: practical and theoretical issues. In Three-dimensional video and display: devices and systems, Bahram Javidi, Fumio Okano, Editors, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. CR76, 168-191. Faubert, J. 2001 lien pdf Perception du mouvement
Global motion integration in the cat's lateral posterior-pulvinar complex European Journal of Neuroscience, 13, 2218-2226 Dumbrava, D., Faubert, J., Casanova, C. 2001 lien pdf Perception du mouvement
Functional sub-regions for optic flow processing in the posteromedial lateral suprasylvian cortex of the Cat. Cerebral Cortex, 11, 989-1001. Brosseau-Lachaine, O., Faubert, J., Casanova, C. 2001 lien pdf Perception du mouvement
The Moving Dynamic Random dot Stereosize test (MDRS) : development, age norms and comparison with the Frisby, Randot and Stereo Smile tests. Journal of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, 38, 284-294. Leat, S, St Pierre, J., Hassab-Abidi, S., Faubert, J. 2001 lien pdf Perception du mouvement
Perception visuelle
The influence of optical distortions and transverse chromatic aberration on motion parallax and stereopsis in natural and artificial environments. In Three-dimensional Television, Video and Display Technologies, B. Javidi, F. Okano (Editors) Springer Verlag, Physics Edition. pp.359-396. Faubert, J. 2002 lien pdf Perception du mouvement
Perceived speed of drifting chromatic gratings is mechanism dependent. Vision Research, 42, 2073-2079. Nguyen-Tri, D., Faubert, J. 2002 lien pdf lien pdf Perception du mouvement
Central and peripheral interactions in the perception of optic flow. Vision Research, 42, 2843-2852. Habak, C. Casanova, C., Faubert, J. 2002 lien pdf lien pdf Perception du mouvement
The moving dynamic random dot stereosize test: validity and repeatability. Journal of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, 40, 341-348. Moussa, M., Leat, S., Faubert, J. 2003 Perception du mouvement
Separate neural pathways for contour and biological-motion cues in motion-defined animal shapes. NeuroImage, 19, 246-252. Ptito, M., Faubert, J. , Gjedde, A., Kupers, R. 2003 lien pdf Perception du mouvement
How is complex second order motion processed? Vision Research, 43, 2591-2601. Bertone, A., Faubert, J. 2003 lien pdf lien pdf Perception du mouvement
Simple and complex visual motion properties In the Anterior Medial Bank of the Lateral Suprasylvian Cortex Neuroscience, 123, 231-245. Ouellette, B., Minville, K., Faubert, J., Casanova, C. 2004 lien pdf Perception du mouvement
Integrative cortical dysfunction and pervasive motion perception deficit in fragile X syndrome. Neurology, 63(9), 1634-1639. Kogan, C.S., Bertone, A., Cornish, K., Boutet, I., Der Kalutian, V.M., Andermann, E., Faubert, J., Chaudhuri, A. 2004 lien pdf Perception du mouvement
Dissociating pathway- versus complexity- specific accounts of motion perception impairments in autism. [invited commentary on Milne et al.]. Current Psychology of Cognition. 23, 75-83. Bertone A., Mottron L., Faubert J. 2005 lien pdf lien pdf Autisme
Perception du mouvement
Ambiguous depth planes: Perceiving depth from motion Perception, 34, 757-9. Herbert, A.M., Beall, P.M., Faubert, J. 2005 lien pdf lien pdf Perception du mouvement
Visual evoked potentials and reaction time measurements to luminance- and texture-defined motion stimuli. Documenta Ophthalmologica, 110, 163-172. Chakor, H., Bertone, A., McKerral, M., Faubert, J., Lachapelle, P. 2005 lien pdf lien pdf Perception du mouvement