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53 article(s) trouvé(s)
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Infant sensitivity to radial optic flow fields during the first months of life. Journal of Vision, 8(4):5, 1-14,, doi:10.1167/8.4.5. Brosseau-Lachaine, O., Casanova, C., Faubert, J. 2008 lien pdf lien pdf Enfant
Perception du mouvement
Independence of contour and biological motion cues for motion-defined animal shapes. Perception, 27, 225-236. Bellefeuille, A., Faubert, J. 1998 lien pdf Perception du mouvement
How is complex second order motion processed? Vision Research, 43, 2591-2601. Bertone, A., Faubert, J. 2003 lien pdf lien pdf Perception du mouvement
Healthy older observers show equivalent perceptual-cognitive training benefits to young adults for multiple object tracking Front. Psychol., 06 June 2013 | doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00323 Legault, I., Allard, R., Faubert, J. 2013 lien pdf lien pdf Apprentissage perceptivo-cognitif
Perception du mouvement
Personnes âgées
Healthy older observers cannot use biological motion point light information efficiently within 4 meters of themselves. iPerception, 3 (2), 104-111 Legault, I., Troje, N.F. & Faubert, J. 2012 lien pdf lien pdf Perception du mouvement
Personnes âgées
Global motion integration in the cat's lateral posterior-pulvinar complex European Journal of Neuroscience, 13, 2218-2226 Dumbrava, D., Faubert, J., Casanova, C. 2001 lien pdf Perception du mouvement
Global motion cues and chromatic mechanisms. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 16, 1-5. Bilodeau, L., Faubert, J. 1999 lien pdf Perception du mouvement
Functional sub-regions for optic flow processing in the posteromedial lateral suprasylvian cortex of the Cat. Cerebral Cortex, 11, 989-1001. Brosseau-Lachaine, O., Faubert, J., Casanova, C. 2001 lien pdf Perception du mouvement
First- and second-order motion mechanisms are distinct at low but common at high temporal frequencies. Journal of Vision, 8(2):12, 1-17,, doi:10.1167/8.2.12. Allard, R., Faubert, J. 2008 lien pdf lien pdf Perception du mouvement
Feature tracking and aging Frontiers in Psychology, 4:427. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00427 Allard R., Lagace-Nadon S. & Faubert J. 2013 lien pdf lien pdf Perception du mouvement
Personnes âgées
Exploring the spatiotemporal properties of fractal rotation perception. Journal of Vision, 9(7):3, 1-15,, doi:10.1167/9.7.3. Lagace-Nadon S, Allard R, Faubert J. 2009 lien pdf lien pdf Perception du mouvement
Evaluation of Human Behavior in Collision Avoidance: A Study inside Immersive Virtual Reality. Cyberpsychol Behav. 12(2):215-8. Ouellette, M., Chagnon, M., Faubert, J. 2009 lien pdf lien pdf Conduite automobile
Perception du mouvement
Effect of target size, temporal frequency and luminance on temporal modulation visual fields. Perimetry: Update 1990/1991, Amsterdam/New YorkKugler. pp. 381-390. Faubert, J. 1991 lien pdf Perception du mouvement
Perception visuelle
Dissociating pathway- versus complexity- specific accounts of motion perception impairments in autism. [invited commentary on Milne et al.]. Current Psychology of Cognition. 23, 75-83. Bertone A., Mottron L., Faubert J. 2005 lien pdf lien pdf Autisme
Perception du mouvement
Development of static and dynamic perception for luminance-defined and texture-defined information. Neuroreport, 19(2), 225-228. Bertone, A., Hanck, J., Cornish, K. M., Faubert, J. 2008 lien pdf lien pdf Perception du mouvement
Perception visuelle