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53 article(s) trouvé(s)
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Functional sub-regions for optic flow processing in the posteromedial lateral suprasylvian cortex of the Cat. Cerebral Cortex, 11, 989-1001. Brosseau-Lachaine, O., Faubert, J., Casanova, C. 2001 lien pdf Perception du mouvement
Global motion cues and chromatic mechanisms. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 16, 1-5. Bilodeau, L., Faubert, J. 1999 lien pdf Perception du mouvement
Global motion integration in the cat's lateral posterior-pulvinar complex European Journal of Neuroscience, 13, 2218-2226 Dumbrava, D., Faubert, J., Casanova, C. 2001 lien pdf Perception du mouvement
Healthy older observers cannot use biological motion point light information efficiently within 4 meters of themselves. iPerception, 3 (2), 104-111 Legault, I., Troje, N.F. & Faubert, J. 2012 lien pdf lien pdf Perception du mouvement
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Healthy older observers show equivalent perceptual-cognitive training benefits to young adults for multiple object tracking Front. Psychol., 06 June 2013 | doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00323 Legault, I., Allard, R., Faubert, J. 2013 lien pdf lien pdf Apprentissage perceptivo-cognitif
Perception du mouvement
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How is complex second order motion processed? Vision Research, 43, 2591-2601. Bertone, A., Faubert, J. 2003 lien pdf lien pdf Perception du mouvement
Independence of contour and biological motion cues for motion-defined animal shapes. Perception, 27, 225-236. Bellefeuille, A., Faubert, J. 1998 lien pdf Perception du mouvement
Infant sensitivity to radial optic flow fields during the first months of life. Journal of Vision, 8(4):5, 1-14,, doi:10.1167/8.4.5. Brosseau-Lachaine, O., Casanova, C., Faubert, J. 2008 lien pdf lien pdf Enfant
Perception du mouvement
Integrative cortical dysfunction and pervasive motion perception deficit in fragile X syndrome. Neurology, 63(9), 1634-1639. Kogan, C.S., Bertone, A., Cornish, K., Boutet, I., Der Kalutian, V.M., Andermann, E., Faubert, J., Chaudhuri, A. 2004 lien pdf Perception du mouvement
Inter and Intra-attribute characteristics of attentional priming in motion induction. Perception. 23, 913-928. von Grünau, M., Faubert, J. 1994 lien pdf Perception du mouvement
Luminance texture increases perceived speed. Vision Research, 47(5), 723-734. Nguyen-Tri, D., Faubert, J. 2007 lien pdf lien pdf Perception du mouvement
Modulation of walking speed by changing optic flow in persons with stroke. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation. 4, 22. Lamontagne, A., Fung, J., McFadyen, B., Faubert, J. 2007 lien pdf lien pdf Perception du mouvement
Motion parallax, stereoscopy, and the perception of depth: practical and theoretical issues. In Three-dimensional video and display: devices and systems, Bahram Javidi, Fumio Okano, Editors, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. CR76, 168-191. Faubert, J. 2001 lien pdf Perception du mouvement
Motion processing: The most sensitive detectors differ in temporally localized and extended noise Frontiers in psychology Allard, R., Faubert, J. 2014 lien pdf lien pdf Perception du mouvement
No dedicated second-order motion system Journal of Vision, 13(11):2, 1-9, doi: 10.1167/13.11.2. Allard R. & Faubert J. 2013 lien pdf lien pdf Perception du mouvement