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20 article(s) trouvé(s)
Titre Périodique Auteurs Date PDF URL Catégorie(s)
Effect of age and stereopsis on a multiple-object tracking task PloS ONE Plourde, Marjolaine ; Corbeil, Marie-Ève ; Faubert, Jocelyn 2017 lien pdf lien pdf Older adults
Perception visuelle
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Visual perception
Head-eye coordination increases with age and varies across countries Optometry and vision science Poirier, Frédéric; Giraudet, Guillaume; Faubert, Jocelyn 2015 lien pdf Équilibre postural
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Healthy older observers show equivalent perceptual-cognitive training benefits to young adults for multiple object tracking Front. Psychol., 06 June 2013 | doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00323 Legault, I., Allard, R., Faubert, J. 2013 lien pdf lien pdf Apprentissage perceptivo-cognitif
Perception du mouvement
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Feature tracking and aging Frontiers in Psychology, 4:427. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00427 Allard R., Lagace-Nadon S. & Faubert J. 2013 lien pdf lien pdf Perception du mouvement
Personnes âgées
Healthy older observers cannot use biological motion point light information efficiently within 4 meters of themselves. iPerception, 3 (2), 104-111 Legault, I., Troje, N.F. & Faubert, J. 2012 lien pdf lien pdf Perception du mouvement
Personnes âgées
Perceptual-cognitive training improves biological motion perception: evidence for transferability of training in healthy aging. Neuroreport, Vol 23 (8), 469-473 Legault, I., Faubert, J. 2012 lien pdf lien pdf Perception du mouvement
Personnes âgées
Assessing spatial perception in aging using an adapted Landolt-C technique Neuroreport, 28 (18), 951-955 Bertone, A., Guy, J., & Faubert, J. 2011 lien pdf lien pdf Perception visuelle
Personnes âgées
Normal aging and the perception of curvature shapes. Optometry & Vision Science, 84(12), 1087-1092. Legault, I., Allard, R., Faubert, J. 2007 lien pdf lien pdf Perception visuelle
Personnes âgées
The impact of blurred vision on cognitive assessment. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 29(5), 467-476. Bertone, A., Bettinelli, L., Faubert, J. 2007 lien pdf lien pdf Perception visuelle
Personnes âgées
Effect of Aging on Stereoscopic Interocular Correlation. Optometry and Vision Science, 83, 589-593. Laframboise S, De Guise D, Faubert J. 2006 lien pdf lien pdf Perception visuelle
Personnes âgées
Recognition of faces and complex objects in younger and older adults. Memory & Cognition, 34, 854-864. Boutet I, Faubert J. 2006 lien pdf lien pdf Perception visuelle
Personnes âgées
The effect of age-related macular degeneration on non-verbal neuropsychological test performance. International Congress Series, 1282, 26-30. Bertone A., Wittich W., Watanabe D., Overbury O., Faubert J. 2005 lien pdf lien pdf Perception visuelle
Personnes âgées
Red-green chromatic mechanisms in normal aging and glaucomatous observers. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 45, 2861-2866. Karwatsky P., Overbury O., Faubert J. 2004 lien pdf lien pdf Glaucome
Perception visuelle
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A common link between aging, schizophrenia, and autism? [Commentary on WA Phillips & SM Silverstein target article] Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 27, 593-594. Faubert J., Bertone A. 2004 lien pdf Autisme
Personnes âgées
The role of lenticular senescence in age-related color vision changes. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 44, 3698-3704. Nguyen-Tri, D., Overbury, O., Faubert, J. 2003 lien pdf Perception visuelle
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