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6 article(s) trouvé(s)
Titre | Périodique | Auteurs | Date | URL | Catégorie(s) | ||
Three-dimensional multiple object tracking in the pediatric population: the NeuroTracker and its promising role in the management of mild traumatic brain injury | NeuroReport | Corbin-Berrigan, Laurie-Anna; Kowalski, Kristina; Faubert, Jocelyn; Christie, Briane; Gagnon, Isabelle | 2018 | Apprentissage perceptivo-cognitif Perceptual-cognitive training |
Training with a three-dimensional multiple object-tracking (3D-MOT) paradigm improves attention in students with a neurodevelopmental condition: A randomized controlled trial. | Developmental Science | Tullo, Domenico ; Guy, Jacalyn ; Faubert, Jocelyn ; Bertone, Armando | 2018 | Apprentissage perceptivo-cognitif Perceptual-cognitive training |
Perceptual-cognitive three-dimensional multiple-object tracking task can help the monitoring of sport-related concussion | BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medecine | Chermann, Jean-François; Romeas, Thomas; Marty, Flore; Faubert, Jocelyn | 2018 | Apprentissage perceptivo-cognitif Athletes Perceptual-cognitive training Sportifs |
The characterization of attention resource capacity and its relationship with fluid reasoning intelligence: A multiple object tracking study | Intelligence | Tullo, Domenico; Faubert, Jocelyn; Bertone, Armando | 2018 | Apprentissage perceptivo-cognitif Perceptual-cognitive training |
Different effects of aging and gender on the temporal resolution in attentional tracking | Journal of Vision | Roudaia, Eugenie; Faubert, Jocleyn | 2017 | Apprentissage perceptivo-cognitif Perceptual-cognitive training Spatial and temporal vision Vision spatiale et temporelle |
Perceptual-Cognitive & Physiological Assessment of Training Effectiveness | Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (I/ITSEC) 2017 | Hoke, Jaclyn; Reuter, Christopher; Romeas, Thomas; Montariol, Maxime ; Schnell, Thomas; Faubert, Jocelyn | 2017 | Apprentissage perceptivo-cognitif Perceptual-cognitive training |