
Yannick at Movin'On Summit

Earlier this summer, Yannick Roy a PhD student in Faubert Lab, was invited to attend the Movin’On Summit with a special pass to access all sessions and to then participate [...]

Postdoc position for classification of cognitive and affective states using eye tracking in the context of a training task.

Postdoc position for classification of cognitive and affective states using eye tracking in the context of a training task. Description: Faubert Lab is looking for a Postdoc to work on [...]

How do you "Revolutionize Pilot Training" for the US Air Force?

The U.S. Air Force is short 2,000 pilots and needs to train new aviators faster but with the same quality. To do this, the USAF has committed to revolutionizing pilot [...]

The Laboratory

Use your mouse or move your tablet or your smartphone to discover the laboratory in immersion, through this 360 degree video

Located at Université de Montréal’s school of optometry (École d’optométrie), the laboratory is directed by Jocelyn Faubert, who holds an NSERC/Essilor Industrial Research Chair on visual function

Using a multidisciplinary approach, various aspects of visual perception and sensation are assessed. These include perceptual-cognitive training in sports for athletes, training for the elderly, and multisensory integration with stochastic resonance.

The laboratory in the media