
Driving a car is a complex activity that solicits attentional capacity and the ability to react quickly to different situations. Given that driving represents the most widely used form of transportation among adults in numerous countries and that the demographic shift implies an ever-growing proportion of older drivers, it is essential to understand the factors involved in decreased driving performance associated with aging in order to propose methods to combat them. Research conducted in the lab aims to identify what criteria characterize optimal driving from visuo-motor and cognitive perspectives with the goal of inferring the influence of deterioration in these systems within specific populations. For example, our recent research brought to light the fact that the link between accident risk and age might result from a decline in certain perceptual and cognitive abilities linked to healthy aging. Based on these results, we’re working to develop strategies to improve these declining perceptual-cognitive faculties in order to significantly improve driving ability among the elderly, thus permitting them to be socially active and maintain their autonomy.

Past and ongoing projects

  • Valider un test de perception des dangers de la route sur simulateur de conduite et évaluer l’efficacité de nouvelles technologies de mesure
  • Mesurer le comportement de conduite des jeunes conducteurs suite à des distractions (le visionnage d’un film ou une partie de jeu-vidéo)
  • Influence du champ visuel sur l’inconfort subjectif lié au simulateur de conduite automobile

Vigilance Test


