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32 article(s) trouvé(s)
Titre Périodique Auteurs Date PDF URL Catégorie(s)
Residual vision in the blind field of hemidecorticated humans predicted by a diffusion scatter model and selective spectral absorption of the human eye. Vision Research, 39, 149-157. Faubert, J., Diaconu, V., Ptito, M., Ptito, A. 1999 lien pdf Photonique
Porous silicon biosensors State of the Art in Biosensors- General Aspects De la Mora, M.B.; Ocampo, M.; Doti, Rafael; Lugo, Eduardo; Faubert, Jocelyn 2013 lien pdf lien pdf Photonique
Increasing light-induced forces with photonic crystals SPIE Lugo JE, Doti R, Faubert J, Sanchez N 2015 lien pdf lien pdf Photonique
Materials for down conversion in solar cells : perspectives and challenges Solar Energy Mat. and Solar Cells De la Mora, M.B.; Amelines-Sarria, O.; Monroy, B.M; Hernández-Pérez, C.D; Lugo, Eduardo 2017 Photonique
The bifoil photodyne: a photonic crystal oscillator Scientific Reports Lugo, JE., Doti, R., Sanchez, N., de la Mora, M.B., del Rio, JA., Faubert, J. 2014 lien pdf lien pdf Photonique
Front-end of a non-invasive wireless real-time brain imaging system based on near-infrared spectroreflectometry. Proceedings of IEEE Biocas . Normandin, F., Sawan, M., Faubert, J. 2004 lien pdf lien pdf Photonique
Negative refraction in one-dimensional photonic crystals Proc. SPIE 8412, Photonics North 2012, 84121W Lugo, J.E., Doti, R., Faubert, J. 2012 lien pdf Photonique
Theoretical and experimental study of electromagnetic forces induced in one-dimensional photonic crystals Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8915, 891519,1-10 Lugo, J.E., Doti, R., Faubert, J. 2013 lien pdf lien pdf Photonique
Negative Refraction Angular Characterization in One-Dimensional Photonic Crystals PLoS ONE, 6 (4), e17188. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0017188 Lugo, J.E., Doti, R., Faubert, J. 2011 lien pdf lien pdf Photonique
Theoretical and experimental study of electromagnetic forces in photonic crystals with defects Photonics North, Proceesings of IEEE Sanchez Castro, Noemie; Palomino Ovando, M-A; Lugo, J.E; Doti Rafael; Faubert, Jocelyn 2016 lien pdf Photonique
Study of microtubule dynamics from the approach of a 1-Dphotonic crystal - neuronal microtubules modeled as 1-D photonic crystal Photonics north - Proceedings of IEEE Sanchez-Castro, Noemie; Palomino-Ovando, Lugo, Eduardo; Faubert, Jocleyn 2016 lien pdf Photonique
Anomalous patterned scattering spectra of one-dimensional porous silicon photonic crystals Optics Express, Vol. 18 (22), 22808-22816 de la Mora, M.B., del Río, J.A., Nava, R., Taguena-Martínez, J., Reyes-Esqueda, J.A., Kavokin, A., Faubert, J., Lugo, J.E. 2010 lien pdf lien pdf Photonique
Multiband negative refraction in one-dimensional photonic crystals. Optics Express, 17(5), 3042-3051. Lugo, J.E., de la Mora, B., Doti, R., Nava, R., Taguena, J., Del Rio, A., Faubert, J. 2009 lien pdf lien pdf Photonique
Inducing forced and auto oscillations in one-dimensional photonic crystals with light Optical Trapping and Optical Micromanipulation XI Lugo, Eduardo; Doti, Rafael; Sanchez, Noemis; Faubert, Jocelyn 2013 Photonique
Effects of induced transverse chromatic aberration from an ophthalmic lens on spatio-temporal thresholds. Ophthalmic & Physiological Optics, 19, 336-346. Faubert, J., Simonet, P., Gresset, J. 1999 lien pdf Photonique