
Virtual reality and augmented reality: leading-edge technologies driving innovation in Montréal

Ville de Montréal has developed strategic intelligence solution, called Innovation Development MTL in order to support and promote the city’s expertise in a number of leading-edge sectors. In its bulletin on virtual reality, published November 3, 2017, they talk about the laboratory and its research projects.

New publication in Journal of Vision

Eugenie Roudaia, Jocelyn Faubert (2017)

Different effects of aging and gender on the temporal resolution in attentional tracking


Journal de Montreal talks about Neurotracker

The paper presents a clinical trial currently being led to assess whether the Neurotracker can help the brain to recover from a concussion.

« Hacker » and Ph.d Student !

Yannick Roy, Ph.D student at Visual Perception and Psychophysics Laboratory has the place of honour this month.

Discover his presentation in the newspaper of the University of Montreal:

And listen to his interview with Radio-Canada for the program on 15-18:

Eugenie Roudaia, Romain Chaumillon, and Jesse Michaels presented their research at the Annual Research Day of the GRSV

La 14e journée scientifique du GRSV-EOUM (Groupe de Recherche en Sciences de la Vision-École d’optométrie) se tiendra le 7 avril prochain au pavillon Roger Gaudry.

Conférenciers invités :

  • Alain CHEDOTAL Ph. D.
    Directeur de Recherche INSERM (DR1)
    Coordinator of the Department of Development , group leader, INSERM U968, Vision Institute, Paris, France
  • Lucie GERMAIN, Ph. D.
    Professeure au département de chirurgie de la faculté de Médecine
    Vice-doyenne, Recherche et Études supérieures, Faculté de médecine, Université Laval, Québec
    Directrice scientifique du Centre de recherche en organogénèse expérimentale de l’Université Laval/LOEX
  • 3e conférencier (à venir)

Publication of a new article in PLOS ONE by Mathieu Boulanger, previous post-doctoral fellow in the lab.

M. Boulanger, G. Giraudet, J. Faubert (2017). Interaction between the oculomotor and postural systems during a dual-task: Compensatory reductions in head sway following visually-induced postural perturbations promote the production of accurate double-step saccades in standing human adults. PLoS ONE 12(3): e0173678. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0173678.