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9 article(s) trouvé(s)
Titre | Périodique | Auteurs | Date | URL | Catégorie(s) | ||
Using noise to characterize vision | Frontiers in psychologue - Vol. 6 - Article 1707 | Allard, Rémy; Faubert, Jocelyn; Pelli, Denis | 2015 | Fonction multisensorielle |
Effective Tactile Noise Facilitates Visual Perception | Seeing and perceiving, 25(1), 29-44 | Lugo, J.E., Doti, R., Faubert, J. | 2012 | Fonction multisensorielle Perception visuelle |
Neurodynamic activation interface for improving a subject's sensory, reflex and/or motor mechanics via auditory, tactile or visual stimulations | Recent patents on Electrical Engineering | Doti, Rafael; Lugo, Eduardo; Faubert, Jocelyn | 2011 | Fonction multisensorielle |
The Impact of Stochastic and Deterministic Sounds on Visual, Tactile and Proprioceptive Modalitities | Advances in Sound localization, pp. 431-458 | Lugo, J.E., Doti, R., Faubert, J. | 2011 | Fonction multisensorielle |
Interface for improving a subject's sensory, reflex and/or motor mechanisms via auditory or tactile noise | Recent Patents on Electrical Engineering | Doti, Rafael; Lugo, eduardo; Faubert, Jocleyn | 2010 | Fonction multisensorielle |
Multisensory integration: Central processing affects peripheral systems. | Psychological Science. 19(10):989-97. | Lugo, E., Doti, R., Wittich, W., Faubert, J. | 2008 | Fonction multisensorielle |
Ubiquitous crossmodal Stochastic Resonance in humans: auditory noise facilitates tactile, visual and proprioceptive sensations. | PLoS ONE, 3(8):e2860. | Lugo, E., Doti, R., Faubert, J. | 2008 | Fonction multisensorielle |
Visual and auditory deterministic signals can facilitate tactile sensations | Journal of vision | Doti, Rafael; Lugo, Eduardo; Faubert, Rafael | 2008 | Fonction multisensorielle |
Auditory noise can facilitate low-level visual processing | Journal of Vision | Faubert, Jocleyn; Hahler, E.M.; Doti, Rafael; Lugo, Eduardo | 2007 | Fonction multisensorielle |